Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Stupid things I did as a kid #1

Pretty much every humor blogger has a post like this: some stupid shit they did as a child. Pretty much because children are the mentally challenged. Some of us grow out of it, but most of us will always be mentally challenged.
Anyway, some dumb ass things I did as a kid.

1. A friend and I saw this kid in the neighborhood riding his sister's bike. We didn't like him, so we thought it would be funny to steal it and hide it; to get him in trouble. So we took it, then went in my backyard. My dad had this little workroom type thing back there, and we dug around in there a little. We found some pink paint and spackle. Our devious little minds came up with the idea to further get this kid in trouble. Paint the bike! So, this we did. Then, we used the spackle to put around the gears so it would be unrideable. After our work, we decided to throw it over my fence. There are woods in my backyard and a river a little ways down. We were two little girls; all we could do was heave the bike over the fence. It was about two feet away from the fence. We thought we were absolutely brilliant. Afterwords, we decided to make our mark in my backyard and put our initials in the same pink paint we painted the bike with. Needless to say, we were caught sometime the next day.

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