Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Why I'm like a cat.

Well, lookie here, a post that shows a little bit of who I am.

My fiance says I'm like a cat. ALL the time. I've come to find this is very true. I've compiled a list (YAY LISTS) of the ways I am like a cat.

1. If I can't get something out of you at a particular moment, I won't bother with you. Most of my friends are friends because I get things from them. Money, back massages, candy, material things. I'm a heartless bitch. It's how we cats must survive in this world.

2. Lights entertain me. I can play with a laser for hours.

3. When I do something not-so-graceful, I act like it didn't happen. Ever notice a cat do this? They'll fall and then jump back up and walk gracefully away. I love their that-didn't-happen attitude.

4. I love rubs. Gimme rubs!

5. But don't touch my belly. Not my belly!


  1. Holy HELL Mariah! I think I must be a cast too! Fuck! I only have like 4 lives left too!

  2. I mean a "cat" too not "cast". I can't head hurts!


You love me.